-Plan on a 45-60 minute visit. If it is your first visit please arrive early to fill out any additional paperwork you may have.
-Not all insurance policies are the same. If you have questions about your specific coverage please give us a call!
-We also offer a cash pay package deal, please stop by or call for details.
- I.D.
-Insurance information.
-Loose-fitting clothing (or a change of clothes).
-Any information about your condition (Doctor's order, surgery report, etc...) .
-Your therapist will be performing a physical examination of your injury/surgery/condition including strength testing, range of motion, and more.
-We may prescribe you exercises, stretches, modalities for pain control, and/or HANDS-ON treatment techniques related to your specific condition.
-Your therapist may educate you further on your condition, and time-frames for healing, and how frequently we will be seeing you.